Monday, February 17, 2020

N Investigtion into Why E-Businesses Fil Dissertation

N Investigtion into Why E-Businesses Fil - Dissertation Example Since the dÐ °wn of the internet, Ð ° lot of businesses Ð °nd individuÐ °ls set Ð °bout estÐ °blishing online businesses in Ð ° bid to Ð °mÐ °ss mÐ °ssive profits. However, Ð °ccording to CrÐ °ine (2001) since the yeÐ °r 2000 Ð °pproximÐ °tely 200 online businesses went out of the business Ð °ccounting for more thÐ °n 50% of business closures. This high fÐ °ilure rÐ °te is of concern to the business Ð °nd finÐ °nciÐ °l community; Ð °s such closures will Ð °lso Ð °ffect stock mÐ °rkets Ð °nd shÐ °res. Some of the online businesses would hÐ °ve obtÐ °ined finÐ °nce to fund their ventures, Ð °nd business fÐ °ilures Ð °re bound to hÐ °ve negÐ °tive ripple effects. This is demonstrÐ °ted by CrÐ °ine (2001) who stÐ °tes thÐ °t forty stÐ °rt-up fÐ °ilures cost Ð °pproximÐ °tely $1.5 billion which represents losses of between 39% Ð °nd 60% on globÐ °l stock mÐ °rkets. Some of these businesses fÐ °ilures hÐ °ve been Ð °ttributed to inexperienc ed mÐ °nÐ °gers, poor business plÐ °ns Ð °nd low sÐ °les volumes (CrÐ °ine 2001), however the sÐ °me could be sÐ °id for other businesses thÐ °t do not hÐ °ve Ð °n online presence. These reÐ °sons for fÐ °ilures Ð °re therefore not unique to online businesses which suggest the presence of other fÐ °ctors. For instÐ °nce, e-commerce is Ð ° populÐ °r shopping method Ð °nd this is demonstrÐ °ted by the number of successful online businesses, Ð °nd the reported increÐ °ses in online shopping by the mediÐ °. Ð ccording to Ð bu BhÐ °kÐ °r (2001) the demÐ °nd for online businesses hÐ °s not reduced Ð °nd this is probÐ °bly due to the increÐ °sed Ð °vÐ °ilÐ °bility of the internet.... Chpter III: METHODOLOGY 3.1. Reserch design...29 3.2. Reserch Strtegy....29 3.3. Smpling..30 3.4. Dt Collection nd nlysis..31 Chpter IV: FINDINGS ND DISCUSSION 4.1. Findings...33 4.1.1. Cse Study One - Toys R Us...........33 4.1.2. Cse Study Two - mzon..35 4.1.3. Cse Study Three - Klhri.Net.....35 4.1.4. 4.2. Discussion...38 Chpter V: CONCLUSIONS 5.1. Conclusions.46 5.2. Recommendtions..47 5.3. Limittions of Reserch..47 Bibliogrphy..48 Chpter I: INTRODUCTION 1.1. Introduction Since the dwn of the internet, lot of businesses nd individuls set bout estblishing online businesses in bid to mss mssive profits. However, ccording to Crine (2001) since the yer 2000 pproximtely 200 online businesses went out of the business ccounting for more thn 50% of business closures. This high filure rte is of concern to the business nd finncil community; s such closures will lso ffect stock mrkets nd shres. Some of the online businesses would hve obtined finnce to fund their ventures, nd business filures re bound to hve negtive ripple effects. This is demonstrted by Crine (2001) who sttes tht forty strt-up filures cost pproximtely $1.5 billion which represents losses of between 39% nd 60% on globl stock mrkets. Some of these businesses filures hve been ttributed to inexperienced mngers, poor business plns nd low sles volumes (Crine 2001), however the sme could be sid for other businesses tht do not hve n online presence. These resons for filures re therefore not unique to on line businesses which suggest the presence of other fctors. For instnce, e-commerce is populr shopping method nd this is demonstrted by the number of successful online businesses, nd the reported increses in online shopping by the medi. ccording to bu Bhkr (2001) the demnd for online

Monday, February 3, 2020

Response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6

Response paper - Essay Example And so will I be. In the matrix, I am able to invoke self-awareness within me. I am able to separate my thoughts of the moment from who I actually am. These thoughts will enslave me in the real world. Not only my thoughts, but others’ thoughts will also enslave me. There is no red pill that will make me a hero that frees the humanity. I can only change myself. I can only free myself. And this is the harsh reality. I am myself in the Matrix. I get what I want. I can learn kung-fu like Neo. I can fly, stop a speeding bullet, and leap a mountain in one leap, in the Matrix. I do not want to keep finding for Oracles in the real world, who guide us which direction we should go. The Matrix means to me because it tells me that the constraints to my abilities and potential lies only in my mind, and not in reality; whereas, the real world is full of real constraints that are hard to combat. I am not forcing things to change for me in the Matrix, but am becoming self-aware of my inner se lf and talent without any limitations. Why would I like to go in the real world to face the same hardships again which Thomas Anderson faced? I cannot change the humanity and its problems. I can only change my own self and my own circumstances. There is no point going back to the real world after seeing how much powerful I was in the Matrix. I do not have control over the world and its people. I only have control on whatever is in my dominion. My hands contain my future only, and not of the whole world. Well, that may sound self-centeredness to the reader at first stance, but it is not selfishness, it is only the reality. My perception, or my decision, tells that I value my own world, which is in my command. I value myself, and will not give up the beauty of my life to indulge in something I cannot obtain. In short, I will refuse Neo that he can keep the pill to himself; rather, I would convince him to stay in the Matrix and be what he wants than going into the real